The Quiet Season


I want to say thank you. This has been a challenging time for everyone, but for us it's been your love, support, and company that has kept us strong. You showed up for our virtual Wine by Bear event, the 9-week run of Bear's Night In, and our first Stay by Bear experiment. You picked us up during these strange times. I hope we've helped put a smile on your face as well.

Over the past few weeks, however, I've been in a bit of a fog. The state of the world caught up to me and it's been a struggle to get much done. I'm sure you can relate. While I'm now coming out of that figurative hibernation, I’ve decided to enter a literal one. Those who know me know I’m not typically one to hibernate, but these aren’t typical times. “Isn’t the summer a weird time to hibernate?” I can hear you ask. Yes, but I’m a bit of a weird bear, so that’s just what I’m preparing to do.

Right now I’m working on consuming my 50,000 daily calories (a side benefit to being a bear chef) to gain the “torpidity thirty” for a season of cave relaxation. I just wanted you to know all this, in case anyone checks on me in my hole during this time and notices my heart-rate is down to eight beats per minute. I’m very much still here, but in a quiet season of dreaming, planning for the future and finishing the Food by Bear cookbook.

Osa and Lil' Osito are carrying on, working on some exciting new experiences we hope to roll out in the next couple months. Watch this space for upcoming announcements. Before everything shut down we were working through the Food by Bear: Germany menu at our dinners. Below is a favorite dish from that menu, with what feels like an apt name in these days of ups and downs.

Stay safe, stay healthy, and have some fun with our bear friends back in Alaska.

With Love,

Chef Bear